29 Oct 2015

29. ♡ Graveyard Halloween Nails ♡

It’s almost Halloween and I just couldn’t resist making another set of Halloween nails!  .+:(^^)ノ゚.+:
This time I went for a more elaborate design and went with a sparkly graveyard theme.

12 Oct 2015

28. ♡ Spiderweb Halloween Nails ♡

It’s October and that means only one thing HALLOWEEN! I love Halloween~ I  just like everything about it, candy, watching horror movies on tv, parties. And for me it’s the perfect excuse to get dressed up and wear a costume! But what’s a Halloween costume without nails to match~ (^_-)-

Lately I’ve really gotten back into making nail art and have been making a nails almost every week. I’ve also started following a lot of Japanese nail artists to get inspired. And for the last 2 weeks my timeline has been flooded with Halloween nail art! Halloween nails are just so much fun.  You can go as crazy and goofy as you want. 

21 Sept 2015

27. ♡ Hyper's International Summer Meet ♡

Then the time was near the next day after the pre-meet it was finally time for the main event.  Gosh I was so excited and nervous. And just couldn’t decide what to wear.  Finally I decided to go for a old school agejo look with a ‘half up’ up-do. (*^^*)

30 Aug 2015

26. ♡ Hyper's International Summer Pre-meet ♡

On the 16th of July was the pre-meet of Hyper’s International Summer meet and Hyper organized a pre-meet dinner.  But Chris, Jojo, Anna and I met up with Kitai and Jasmine beforehand so we could all hang out in Utrecht together.  

12 Jul 2015

25. ♡ Save the date! Next weeks international gyaru meet in Utrecht! ♡

It’s been way too long since my last blog-post.  I’ve just been too busy with my internship, work and schoolwork. ( ; _ ; ) *ugly sobbing* But I hope things will start to settle down soon  so  I can blog more often seeing as I have so many things to blog about!  But I’m super excited about the international gyaru meet next week! I bought my ticket 2 weeks ago.

It will be the first international meet I will attend. I must confess I’m a little nervous, I get quite shy and self-conscious around new people.  And I’m always afraid that people won’t like me or that I will say something awkward.  ><
But I hope to meet a lot new people and make new friends! I’m really looking forward to the event seeing as the program sounds really awesome and I can’t wait to party with my gal friends! (o^^o)

5 May 2015

24. ♡ Hanami in Amsterdamse bos ♡

A few weeks  ago my boyfriend and I went to the cherry blossom park in ‘het Amsterdamse bos’ a nature reserve in Amstelveen. The park has 400 cherry blossom trees, which were gifted by the Japanese Women’s Club as a memorial to the victims of the tsunami in 2000. Half of trees bear Japanese women’s names, while the other half are named after Dutch women.

Last year we went there too but sadly due to the bad weather all the cherry blossoms blew away. ( ; _ ; ) Luckily this year the cherry blossom tree’s were still intact and I was really excited to finally be able to have our first hanami pick nick together! (^O^)

19 Apr 2015

23. ♡ Starting my Internship ♡

It's been almost 3 weeks since I first started my internship at social services and so far I'm loving it! I was really nervous the first day seeing as this is my first time ever working in an office and it's such a big change. I still really need to get used to getting up early every morning and working 5 days a week but my coworkers have really made me feel at home. ♡

This is a picture in the main entrance hall. I couldn't get a proper picture but I really like the classic design.

I haven't been able to really do anything expect sit next to my mentor/ Senior work consultant and learn how the computer program we use works and get things from the copy machine ww. (o´艸`)

25 Mar 2015

22. ♡ Osharecon ♡

Hey everyone!
Whow I haven’t blogged in months! (( ;°Д°))
Sorry….. (•́︿•̀)

I still have to blog about 2 previous gyaru meetings but  I’ve been really busy with personal stuff and a lot of exciting things are happening. Like starting a gyaru-sa and finding a internship which means I’ll be graduating soon.  But once everything settles down I hope to be able to blog more often since I enjoy it so much. Also I changed my blog lay out, do you like it? (Not completely finished yet) (*^^*)
But moving on and a little heads up this post is extremely picture heavy! ww 2 week  ago I went to Osharecon, the first convention in the Netherlands entirely dedicated to Japanese street fashion. This was their first edition and I was so excited to go! Also this was my first time going to a con!

12 Jan 2015

21.♡ Happy new year! ♡

Happy (belated) new year everyone!
I hope all your wishes and expectations for 2015 will come true! *'')*+
How did everyone spend their new years eve? Mine was a little boring but I enjoyed every minute of it because this was the first new years eve my boyfriend and I got to spend together. We wanted to go out and party but we discovered there was no way to get home after 8pm as all of public transport stopt after 8pm and I really didn’t feel like paying €50 for a taxi to get home. So we decided to stay home, watch movies, stuff our faces with delicious food and go outside to watch the fireworks.