22 Mar 2014

5. ♡ Under-construction! ♡

Hey dolls!

Just wanting to let you know that my blog lay out is currently under-construction! 

So that's why it my look a little strange and unfinished  ^_-
I hope to finish it and have it to my liking at the beginning of next week.

Thanks for reading!


19 Mar 2014

4. ♡ I-アイ- (I-ai-) concert ♡

Hey guys en gals!

Oh gosh I’ve only just started blogging and it’s already been over a month since my last blog entry! ごめん (sorry) ・゚・(●´Д●)・゚・ .  

A lot of things have happened the last couple of weeks some good some bad but I’m happier then I have been in a long time!(*з^) <3

かれし(boyfriend) and I wanted to get away for a weekend  (_^^)  But couldn’t really decide what to do.  So I checked out jame-world and saw that I-アイ- ( I-ai) were coming to the Hague . While talking on the phone we listened to their YouTube videos and thought they sounded great so we decided that night to go to The Hague.  Luckily there were still tickets available one week before the concert!


Funny side note, Hiroaki the lead singer of I-アイ- added my boyfriend on facebook and they started chatting as Hiroaki was very happy that a Japanese person was coming to one of his concerts in Europa.  I won’t go into detail about the conversations respecting Hiroaki’s privacy and my boyfriend’s privacy~(ゝ。