29 Oct 2015

29. ♡ Graveyard Halloween Nails ♡

It’s almost Halloween and I just couldn’t resist making another set of Halloween nails!  .+:(^^)ノ゚.+:
This time I went for a more elaborate design and went with a sparkly graveyard theme.

12 Oct 2015

28. ♡ Spiderweb Halloween Nails ♡

It’s October and that means only one thing HALLOWEEN! I love Halloween~ I  just like everything about it, candy, watching horror movies on tv, parties. And for me it’s the perfect excuse to get dressed up and wear a costume! But what’s a Halloween costume without nails to match~ (^_-)-

Lately I’ve really gotten back into making nail art and have been making a nails almost every week. I’ve also started following a lot of Japanese nail artists to get inspired. And for the last 2 weeks my timeline has been flooded with Halloween nail art! Halloween nails are just so much fun.  You can go as crazy and goofy as you want.