23 Nov 2014

18.♡ My boyfriend's birthday! ♡

Hey cuties! ┌iii┐ ε-(ε´)

This blog post will be all about my boyfriend’s birthday and some outfits. We we’re both really excited, because this would be his first birthday we would celebrate together.*'')*+ 

Sadly I had  a fever and felt really poorly but after convincing my boyfriend that I would be up to it  we did go out to celebrate.

21 Nov 2014

17. ♡ Nijmegen gyaru meet ♡

Hello lovely readers! (^O^)! ♡ *+

I wanted to tell you about the latest gyaru meeting I went to the Nijmegen gyaru meet. Nijmegen is a city in the east of the Netherlands, which is quite far away from where I live. So Anna and I decided to travel together. It was a lot of fun and I’m glad we traveled together as it was a long journey. Especially due to all the train delays sadly we arrived a little late, but luckily the group waited for us. Because I had never been to Nijmegen before and I sure I would have gotten lost. Σ(дlll) 

When the group was complete we made our way to bagels & beans where we decided to have lunch. And I’m happy we did, doesn't it look yummy! I ordered a bagel with wild salmon and  cream cheese and a matcha latte.